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Garage Organization: Make Your Garage a New Year’s Resolution

  • January 29, 2015

The year has just begun. How are your New Year’s resolutions going? Deciding to make a change for the new year is a great idea. And, when you look at your garage, you might just realize that there are at least a few improvements you could arrange to dramatically improve the look of your garage and make your life a little easier in the process. All you have to do is resolve to organize your garage, take advantage of custom storage options, and add an attractive garage floor coating to complete the look.

Clean It Up

First, you have to get down and dirty, so you can come clean. If your garage is a huge mess of storage tubs and tools, sports equipment and machines, you can do far better. Take time during these cold winter months to sort through all the stuff you have laying around the garage. Sort it into piles and determine what you want to keep. If you have not used an item in over a year, you can safely give it to family members, donate it or toss it. Finally, take everything that does not belong in the garage and put it in its proper location.

Organize It

As you go through your possessions, keep a list of the kinds of things you keep or want to keep in your garage. Then, once that list is complete, you can check out the varieties of storage options available for all your things. Some people prefer to have all their storage up off the ground in beautiful, sturdy custom garage cabinets. Others want to have tools and oddly-sized items on wall hanging slat storage, with accessories that make installation and putting things away a snap. Most people like to have a combination of the two. You just have to decide what works best for your home.

Benefits of Epoxy Garage Floor Coatings

You can make the walls of your garage look beautiful, but then you need to step up your flooring, as well. You might think that epoxy garage floor coatings are merely decorative. And, while they do make your garage look as professional as a showroom floor, they are more functional than you may realize. Coatings come in hundreds of colors to match your garage’s style. And, the coatings help to protect the concrete underneath, since it adds a barrier to limit scratches and dents. The coating prevents the concrete from absorbing spills, too, making cleanup a far simpler task. You want a useful garage. But, it would be nice to have a garage that is an eyeful to look at, as well. This year, make it your resolution to put your garage at the top of your list. With a good cleaning, organization and storage designs and epoxy garage floor coatings, your garage will become one of the best places in the home.

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