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What NOT To Do For Your Next Home Improvement Project

  • March 21, 2014

Epoxy Flooring Boston_GarageWe seem to have evolved into a DIY (do it yourself) society. Maybe because of the economic downfall and all the savvy DIY shows ? - not sure but we all want to be “hands on” with our home projects. I get it; I really do, however, some home improvement projects need to be done by a professional. A garage floor is one of those. There are many reasons:

I mentioned in my previous blog that proper preparation is key to an aesthetically pleasing, durable and long lasting garage floor. A professional will have the proper tools such as a commercial grinder with a diamond blade. It is not the average grinder found at your local hardware store nor meant for the average homeowner’s use.  This proper preparation cleans the concrete, allows for an even surface and acts to “open the pores” of the concrete allowing the base coat to deeply penetrate for proper and long lasting adhesion.

My famous quote, “paint peels!” and yes, it does! Paint is inexpensive, easily attained at the hardware store and takes only a few hours – sounds easy and inexpensive right? – Think again! You will be painting that garage floor very soon, a lot sooner than you planned. You just wasted time and money. It is not durable and everyday usage such as the cars’ hot tires driving over it, kids running on it, bikes being ridden over it and temperature fluctuations cause peeling, bubbling cracking and unsightly marks.

Luxury Garage Floor Boston GarageHiring a professional is cost effective. They will use high quality materials such as a polyaspartic topcoat which has a high resistance to impact and extreme temperatures making it durable and long lasting, typically 15 years.  Our coatings are 100% UV protected, therefore will not oxidize and yellow and there are many color choices and textures to choose from.

Lastly, and certainly not least, a floor coating professional has quality, highly trained people that do this every day giving them lots of experience. Makes sense to hire them!




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