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3 Easy Steps to Winterize Your Garage Floor

  • November 27, 2023

Winter is coming quickly, and the time to winterize your garage floor is now. Because of the salt on the roads, slush and other substances that come along with the season, your garage floor can take a beating during this time of year if you don't prepare it properly. To get your floor ready for winter, follow these three simple steps.Dollarphotoclub_29627399.jpg


1. Give your garage floor a thorough cleaning.

Begin preparing your garage floor for the upcoming season by cleaning the floor thoroughly. This will remove any contaminants on the surface that may cause problems after winterization is complete. To clean the floor, sweep away or vacuum debris, then scrub stains with soap and water.

2. Consider an epoxy floor coating.

Epoxy floor coating is one of the toughest, most durable finishes available for your garage floor. This sealant will protect your garage floor from all of the chemicals, dirt and salt you track into your garage throughout the season. It will also provide a more professional look, and it will be easier to clean than cement. Because of all of the benefits of epoxy coating, it is one of the most popular choices among consumers exploring custom garage flooring options.

After applying epoxy floor coating in your garage, be sure to wait two days before walking on the floor. Don't park any vehicles in the garage for at least two days after sealing.


3. Lay a runner mat along each side of your vehicles.

Laying a runner mat next to your vehicle's doors will help to protect your floor from any chemicals you may have on your feet when you exit your vehicle. It will also protect your home from these chemicals, which may damage your carpet and/or stain tile floors. Finally, having a mat next to your vehicle will help you avoid slipping on wet shoes or surfaces when getting in and out of your car. 

Alternatively, if you would rather not lay down runner mats next to the car, consider investing in a high-quality door mat that you can use to wipe your feet before you enter your house.


Winterizing your garage is the best way to make sure that your floor stays clean and in good shape throughout the winter months. To learn more about custom garage flooring and winterization, check out all of the garage flooring types we offer, or schedule a free no-strings-attached consultation using the calendar below.

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