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Are Epoxy Floor Coatings Safe?

  • April 19, 2016

Epoxy floors look sleek and offer durable, long lasting protection for your floor. But are the associated fumes and chemicals safe for your family?

There are some fumes and chemicals but absolutely nothing hazardous. The products used in epoxy floor coating are no stronger than a can of paint you can buy at Home Depot! Read on for more information about having an epoxy floor installed in a basement or garage.

What is epoxy?

Epoxy is a coating comprised of two main components – resins and hardeners. When mixed together, the resin and hardener create a rigid, plastic material that is strong, durable and that bonds extremely well to concrete floors.

Preparation and application

While your floors are being prepared and the epoxy applied, you should keep children and pets away from the area. Although the product used for application isn't any more hazardous than common paint, it should not be ingested or anywhere near the face. Make sure your children stay out of the garage while the floors are being coated with epoxy to minimize adverse reactions.

Proper ventilation

After the epoxy has been applied, it needs about 48 hours to cure. During this time, it's important to ventilate the garage or the space where the epoxy was applied to the floor. This step will keep the fumes out of the rest of the house.

Can my kids play on the floor?

Absolutely. After the epoxy has cured, any hazards significantly decrease, and your children should be able to safely walk, sit or play on your epoxy floors. If someone in your family continues to have a problem two weeks after the floors have been treated, consult a physician for guidance.

What about the crew?

At Boston Garage, our crew takes the proper precautions to ensure their own safety while installing epoxy floors. We always wear gloves, eye and face masks and ensure the area where we're working is properly ventilated.

While there are some risks associated with epoxy floors, the benefits far outweigh the risk, especially if the product is handled properly. If you're concerned about the safety of epoxy floors in your home or garage, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We'd love the chance to talk with you about the durability and safety that come with epoxy floor coatings from Boston Garage.

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