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3 Qualities You Need in a Garage Floor Coating Professional

  • February 5, 2015

When you decide that you want a professional-looking garage floor coating, you know that you have to find the right company for the job. People with years of experience in the industry and a commitment to quality may make the process look easy. But really, it takes a lot of time, training, qualifications and the right equipment to give you a garage floor coating that will look great and stand the test of time. Companies who deserve your business will meet these three standards to earn your business for home improvement, again and again.

1. Well-Trained Professionals

For starters, you want an organization that has been around for a while. This way, you know that a warranty will actually mean something, should you ever need to call on the company for repair or replacement. But, good businesses will work from the beginning to ensure that their products and process meet your high standards. Companies with at least 10 years of experience in the industry show that they can survive over time. And, the very best demonstrate that they only hire workers with a solid work ethic, with training programs to make their employees into skilled professionals.


2. Solid Credentials

Of course, any business can say that it has certain quality standards. It is the affiliation with professional organizations that helps companies stand out from the rest. All businesses working in the field of home improvement should be able to show you proof of insurance, as well as their policies for worker’s compensation and liability insurance. But, when they can also demonstrate their participation in the Better Business Bureau, National Association of the Remodeling Industry and the National Association of Professional Organizers, you know that they hold themselves to a higher level.


3. High-Quality Equipment and Supplies

Now, companies may hire the best workers, and have affiliations with the best professional oversight organizations. But, these businesses are only as good as the products and labor they provide. This means that they need to use equipment and materials of the highest quality, as well. So, when you consider garage floor companies, ask them where the installer gets equipment and materials. Inquire about the installer’s training on the latest floor coating technologies. These questions will help you determine if the business will meet your needs with the best tools on hand, to get the job done right the first time.

You have seen garage floor coatings that look showroom perfect. And, you would like that for your own garage floor, to match your custom cabinetry and your overall design. But, before you can arrange for installation, you need to find out if the garage floor coating professional has the proper qualifications. When a company can show you that it meets all these standards, you will know you have found the right candidate. Request a free on-site design consultation from Boston Garage today to begin working with an exceptional company.

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