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3 Unique Ideas For Creating a Multi-Purpose Garage

  • June 23, 2016

For many homeowners, the garage only serves as a place to store the tools, bicycles, and cars. However, simply relegating the garage to nothing more than a storage area is an inefficient use of space. As long as you rely on a little creativity and some sweat, you will be able to create a multi-purpose garage. If you’re unsure how to approach the process, here are three unique ideas for creating a multi-purpose garage.


Turn Your Garage Into a Man Cave

About a century ago, few homes had basements, sheds, and even garages for storage or work space. Therefore, homeowners who wanted to renovate or repair their home had to actually work inside the home. Over time, construction companies began to build homes with spaces for homeowners to work on projects on their own. Culturally, this labor became masculinized and so did the spaces. The traditional masculinity of the garage has led many homeowners to turn their garage into a “man cave.”
Not only will a man cave give you the space and freedom to express yourself, but it will also serve as the optimal place to relax during stressful times and just have fun. Fortunately, as long as you have some unoccupied space in the garage, you will have no problem turning it into a man cave. If you don’t have the space for a man cave yet, you can start making space by using organization storage systems. That way, you’ll be able to fit in a couple of couches, custom shelving (for snacks or games), an entertainment system, and a work bench.
If your man cave still seems a bit cold and welcoming despite your efforts to decorate it, you should consider making changes to the paint, lighting, and flooring. A nice coat of paint to the walls will allow you to add your own personal flair to the man cave. More illumination will make it easier to enjoy yourself in your man cave. You may even be able to find lights that match the style and color scheme of the garage. Garage floor coatings or floor tiles could liven your man cave up.

Convert It Into a Home Office

Some homeowners prefer to use the space in their garage for more productive purposes. If you are one of these people, you should consider converting the garage into a home office. This is a great idea for homeowners who don’t have the room within their home for an office.
Once you’ve gotten your garage organized and in order, you can start the transformation by bringing in a desk, shelves, and a few filing cabinets. Of course, if you’re the type of person who places major emphasis on environment when it comes to work, this won’t be enough to turn your garage into a true office. Chances are, you will need to contact a professional to help you make changes to the flooring, lighting, and paint to make your garage more like an office. For example, you may replace the concrete flooring of your garage with tiles or hardwood flooring.
Also, to ensure your comfort while you work, consult with a professional about heating and cooling for your new living area. It is possible to configure the wiring in your garage to make it so that the temperature in your new home office matches the temperature of the rest of your home. This is a must for anyone who plans to stay in their garage for lengthy periods. You won’t be able to get any work done if you’re too hot or too cold for comfort.
If you plan on having clients and customers consult with you in your home office, you should give the garage door a fresh coat of paint for a more professional look. You may also want to have windows installed to make your new office more welcoming to clients. Of course, you should have shades on the windows so that you can close them at night. That way, burglars won’t be able to see any of the valuables you have in your home office.

Make It an Entertainment Area

If you want to repurpose your garage in a way that appeals to both genders rather than just one, you should consider transforming your garage into an entertainment area. Since the entertainment area will likely be used by the entire family on a regular basis, it is important that you make the space as clean and organized as possible. Go through all the possessions in the garage and relocate, donate, or throw away all of them. Once you’ve cleaned out the garage, you can use organization storage systems so that your garage is completely ready to be turned into an entertainment area.
Install a flat screen television, a stereo system, a pool table, and perhaps a bar with barstools in your garage. If you have electronics installed, just ensure that you make your garage both weather-proof and water-proof. For example, you should have insulation installed in the garage to prevent extreme heat, which would not only ruin the electronics but also make you, your family members, and your friends uncomfortable. Also, be sure to plan for necessary wiring early on. Not only is wiring a major eyesore, but it can also pose a hazard.
Many homeowners only use their garage for storage purposes. If you want to get a little creative, repurposing your garage is an excellent home renovation project. With some creativity, sweat, and the help of professionals, you will be able to turn your garage into a brand new living space. For more information about how you can create a multi-purpose garage, don’t hesitate to contact us here at Boston Garage.
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