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How to Increase Storage Space in Your Garage in One Weekend

  • May 27, 2016

In today’s busy world, projects that stretch out over the weeks or months seem to drag on. As you go about your life, sometimes areas of your home become cluttered and hard to deal with, such as your garage. But you can take that space back by increasing your garage’s storage space in a single weekend, making a big difference with these great garage storage ideas. From getting items off the floor to installing custom garage shelving that meets your specific needs, here are some great ways to get your garage organized and functioning well again.

Improve your Garage Storage Space Now

  • Start by clearing off the garage floor as best possible. Can you add hooks to the wall or heavy duty wire shelving to store items that are cluttering your garage floor? You’ll be amazed how much space you gain simply by clearing items off the floor and putting them in better storage spaces.
  • Create storage for hazardous materials and chemicals, such as antifreeze, pesticides or drain cleaners. You may want to invest in a locking cabinet for these items, to keep them safely locked away from children.
  • Hang sharp items, such as tools, pruners, saws and similar items, up high or enclosed in a cabinet. This will help prevent pets or children from accessing them and accidentally hurting themselves.
  • Do you have small items that are hard to sort? Keep them accessible but out of the way in parts bins, drawers or tool boxes. By doing so, you can ensure they won’t become a jumbled mess and that they’ll be out of reach from curious small hands.
  • To keep hand tools easy to find and accessible, add a section of pegboard to the wall behind your work bench or storage shelves. You can hang a wide range of other items as well, to keep them close at hand but out of the way at the same time.
  • Large hooks are great for a wide range of storage needs. You can coil hoses and longer extension cords on them, hang rakes and other long-handled tools where they’re handy and even get bikes out of the way when they’re not in use.
Once you’ve spent a little time putting your garage to rights and increasing your storage space, you can ensure that your hard work doesn’t go to waste by adding additional storage and organizational spaces to keep it that way. You could also add a custom epoxy floor to make your garage floor more durable, easier to clean and improved in its appearance. If you need help finding the right storage and organizational solutions for your garage, please feel free to  contact us today to schedule a free on-site design consultation and discover why we’re western Pennsylvania’s top choice for premier garage options.
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