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Is Your Garage Ready for Fall?

  • September 29, 2015

The fall yard work season is nearly here. If you’ve got a lawn and garden, expect to put in several hours cleaning up for fall and winter so your garden is clean and ready for spring. To streamline your yard work, try these fall garage storage ideas. When you can easily find what you need in the garage, you’ll get through chores quicker and you will have a cleaner, neater home and garden.

Reduce the clutter

Clearing out clutter in the garage is essential if you want to park your car inside during winter. If you’re like most people, you have items stuffed at the back of the garage that you’ve lost track of or even forgotten you had. Take advantage of yard sale season to clear out this clutter and make a little extra cash.

With the clutter gone, focus on maximizing the space in your garage to retain a clean and neat floor. Fall tracks in leaves and dirt. If you have items stored on the floor, cleaning up after the dirt you’ve brought in becomes harder, and the garage will stay messy as a result. Think overhead storage, which maximizes floor space.


Stow your seasonal items for more space

Fall and winter weather demands serious accessories: Snow shovels, a snow blower, rakes, a leaf blower, and much more. To make room for these things, remove any spring and summer items.

We recommend using overhead shelves, wall shelves, and storage bins for spring/summer essentials like sporting goods and gardening gear. Place small items in a storage bin, label the bin, and put it on an overhead shelf where it can stay secure until you need it again.

Freeing up space allows you to put fall and winter essentials front and center so you can easily find the equipment you need. When spring comes, repeat the process in reverse and stow fall/winter items in the back of the garage or on overhead shelves until you need them next.


Invest in wall hooks

Wall hooks help keep tools off the floor and maintain your organizing scheme. They make it simple to “grab and go” so you can rake before a rainstorm, shovel out your car in the morning, and tackle other fall and winter landscaping tasks.

Use wall hooks alone or in combination with slat wall. Hang rakes, shovels, lopping shears, and other tools on large hooks. Use hanging baskets to store work gloves, bungee cords, smaller hand tools, and other miscellaneous items. Label the baskets so you always know where things belong.

Taking a day to get your garage ready for fall will reward you with a tidy garage, more peace of mind, and time saved throughout fall and spring. What other garage organizing tips have you tried in the past? Let us know what’s worked for you, and feel free to contact us for a free on-site design consultation.

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