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What Are Metallic Epoxy Floors?

  • February 12, 2024

The appearance of your garage floor for your home or business can make a big statement about your interior before you even open the front door. That’s because it’s easily noticeable since it takes up a large square footage of your real estate. Moreover, it’s also a common entry point for many home dwellers and office workers across the nation. That’s why it’s important to make sure your floors can take the constant foot traffic without sacrificing their look over time. One key way to do this is by coating the floor of your garage with metallic epoxy coating.

Ok, let’s back up for a minute. What makes metallic epoxy floors so great? Keep reading to discover the benefits of this special flooring option and how you can use it to improve the look of your commercial or residential garage flooring and enhance it for durability.

1. What is Epoxy Floor Coating?

Epoxy floor coating is a durable, high-quality flooring finish. There are different types of epoxy floor coatings, including 100-percent solid, solvent-based or water-based. Adding this type of coating to your commercial or garage floor also comes with a variety of benefits. First, epoxy concrete flooring comes in a variety of color and texture options from solid-color floor coatings, such as rich blue and concrete gray, to decorative-chip looks in sandstone or granite gray. You can even customize them to suit your decor. This coating also dries hard and thick, making it waterproof for long-lasting wear. It’s also resistant to stains from oil and grease so that you can count on low maintenance to preserve the look of your garage floor.

2. How is Metallic Epoxy Flooring Different?

 Traditional epoxy flooring contains multiple layers of polymer resin combined with a chemical hardener to produce an extremely strong and durable floor surface. Metallic epoxy flooring, however, includes the addition of metallic mica pigments to the base layer, which lends the finished construction a startling, even exotic, aesthetic and character.

Due to the random mixing of the metallic pigments within the epoxy precursor, no two floors can ever be alike. Still, you can get the same high-performance mechanical and material features in both plain and metallic epoxy flooring.

3. Metallic Epoxy Floor Applications

You can apply metallic epoxy flooring to a variety of surfaces, including the commercial floor of your business or the floor of your garage at home. It’s especially an ideal choice for high-traffic locations, such as a warehouse or an showroom. Usually, you’d apply it to a concrete surface that is porous.

4. Metallic Epoxy Color Options

Due to the distinctive way in which the installers lay down the precursor material, you can create a plethora of different floor colors and design effects. The following are a just a few of the most-popular techniques:

  • Same-color effect: You can achieve this look by using just one single metallic color for both the base layer and the top layer. Different finishing techniques, such as a one-stroke back-roll, can create a windblown or stormy-sea look.
  • Two-color effect: Using a metallic or plain epoxy color as the base, the addition of two metallic hues to the top layer gives this finish an interesting, eclectic feel.
  • Two-tone effect: A plain base layer combined with a top metallic layer can result in a calmer, more formal-looking floor.

5. Commonly Asked Questions About Epoxy Floor Coating

Starting a home or commercial improvement project off right requires getting the right finish for your floor, and when you’re considering an epoxy floor coating, there’s a ton to learn. Here are some frequently asked questions with answers you can use to guide you:

How long does epoxy floor coating last?

The durability of epoxy floor coating is one of the many benefits of this special sealant. A quality epoxy floor coating should last for 10 years, but it also depends on how you apply it. With a properly applied, professional installation, you can expect your epoxy-coated garage surface to last for at least several years to come.

Does it require a ton of maintenance?

The beauty of coating your garage or commercial floors with this type of protective coat is that it’s low-maintenance. Stains normally absorbed by uncoated concrete are easy to clean up on a garage floor coated with epoxy. Because epoxy coating is non-porous, it resists moisture and stains from drinks, water, oil and other liquids, which helps simplify the cleaning process. Just clean up spills with a mop or towel for easy care.

Is a warranty included?

Good epoxy-floor coatings have warranties that last during the expected lifespan of the product. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to inquire about whether or not you’ll get a warranty. It’s also a good idea to find out what the warranty covers so that you have the correct expectations should your flooring not hold up over time in the way you expected it to.

How will this type of floor coating look?

The great thing about choosing a metallic-epoxy floor coating for your home or commercial garage is that you can custom design it to fit the look of your current decor at home or in the office. This type of flooring coating produces a high-gloss surface that’s shiny and can modernize the look of your floor.

Deciding on the right finishing touches for your commercial or garage flooring doesn’t have to be a challenging task you do on your own. If you want to get your remodeling project on its way, consult with a team of professionals who understand the ins and outs of metallic-epoxy floor coating. Contact us today for a garage-flooring consultation.


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