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Summer Garage Organization Guide

  • August 21, 2015

Summer is a time for outdoor fun and games. This means your garage is probably jam packed with gardening supplies, sporting gear and summer toys, especially if you have kids. If you’re not careful, you could run out of space to park your car! Follow this summer organization guide for some great custom garage storage ideas you haven’t thought of before.summer garage organization


Invest in Wall Hooks

Choose an empty wall in the garage – or de-clutter the space until you have an empty wall – and install a slatboard. This versatile storage option allows you to mount hooks and baskets of various sizes. Move these hooks and baskets around wherever you want for custom garage storage right where you need it.

Hang everything from hula hoops and water toys to garden hoses and extension cords to rakes and ladders. With hefty enough hooks, you can even mount bicycles and scooters to the slatwall. Getting these bulky items off the ground is very important for preserving space to park your car.


Try Overhead Storage

Do you have a pile of gear you don’t use very often but still don’t want to throw away? Group together small, like-items in large plastic totes and label them clearly. Gather other bulky items such as spare tires, travel crates for your pets, suitcases and old paint cans. Then place everything on ceiling-mounted storage racks. You may need a ladder to reach these items, but since you use them less, it’s a great way to free up prime storage space closer to the ground for everyday items.


Install a Shoe Rack

If you’re like most families, the garage is the primary entrance to your home. It’s a smart idea to ask family members and guests to take off their shoes before they enter. However, without an organized storage option, a large, unkempt pile of shoes is likely to form.

That’s where the garage organization idea of installing a shoe rack comes into play. Make sure there’s enough space for each family member to store several pairs of shoes as well as extra room for when guests come over. You can even dedicate a corner to roller blades so they don’t get misplaced in the garage. 


Create “Parking Spots” for Bikes and Scooters

Since kids’ primary form of transportation is by bike, scooter, skateboard or roller blades, they sometimes forget the garage is for parking the car, not scattering their gear around. Prevent mishaps by dedicating a corner to bikes and scooters. Mark out spaces with masking tape if needed.


If you like these garage organization ideas but need help implementing them, please contact Boston Garage today to schedule a free on-site design consultation.
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