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Garage Innovation as Unique as Your Personality

  • June 25, 2018

Sometimes your garage is more than just a place to store your vehicle and last year’s holiday decorations. Instead, it is often a place that is an extension of your personality. Whether your garage is where you can be alone with a hobby, a place where your vehicle has a nice, clean home, or just a space where you store items, you still want it to be more than just a room with a boring concrete floor.

Garage floor coating and garage cabinets are two major components in making your space your own. When you use epoxy flooring for your garage, you have a multitude of options to make your garage different from the rest.

Custom Colors and Chip Options

Most garage floors are a dull, unattractive gray, and nine times out of 10, that is what you’ll find in most homes. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Just choosing a unique color or decorative chip for your floor makes a huge difference in how your garage is presented to the world.

For instance, you can choose from colors like Rich Blue and Green Leaf or decorative chip garage floor coatings in Oyster Gray or Storm Blue. The point is you have many options for your garage renovation other than a dull gray. Plus, epoxy flooring has a beautiful shine due to its epoxy resin chemistry.

Customized Looks

A great benefit of epoxy flooring is that you can have customized looks created out of your ideas. For instance, if you’ve ever watched a reality show featuring a garage, you might have seen checkerboard designs, and those are easily created as well as other looks. Notice how the floor has a gloss that is almost like a bowling ball — that’s all due to the epoxy resin.

You can still have a textured look without the actual texture when you choose decorative chip garage floor coatings. It’s like the best of both worlds just in case you prefer that look instead of the high gloss and sleek look.

For a marble look, epoxy resin is perfect, or maybe you still want a neutral gray color that is shiny and sleek. You can even use custom decals to create a garage floor that has your favorite design on it. The point is, the sky’s the limit in what you can create to make your garage unique, eye-catching and spectacular looking.

Added Benefits

As well as allowing you to create custom looks, epoxy resin flooring has many benefits. It is easy to clean, has a long life and will last for years. It also resists impact, stains and fire, withstands heavy traffic, and has an anti-slip surface. So, not only are you able to create something out of your vision, but it is a choice that has many advantages as well as being environmentally friendly. Epoxy flooring adds value to your garage, and you can create a variety of styles and patterns to fit your personality.

Tell Us Your Ideas About Garage Renovation

If you have some ideas you’d like to share about creating a one-of-a-kind garage floor, contact us so we can help you bring that vision to life. We can make custom colors and blends upon request, and we’re sure to be able to make your dream garage come to life.

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