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3 Steps to Your Perfect Garage Storage System

  • September 15, 2015

Picture the catch-all room in your home, the place where you keep clutter when you have nowhere else to put it. You’re thinking of the garage, aren’t you? If you’re tired of tripping over gardening tools or never being able to find the items you’re looking for, it’s time for a garage overhaul. Follow these three steps to restore order to the garage with the perfect garage storage systems.

Determine Your Needs

The first step to a more organized garage is to assess its current condition and decide what you need to add to make it work better for you. Start by deciding what stays and what goes. Sift through the garage and create Toss and Donate piles. It’s likely a lot of the stuff in your garage is junk you no longer need to keep, and by trimming down the clutter, you make it easier to find a garage storage system that will work for you.

With the junk out of the way, it’s time to take some measurements. Measure all the bare walls in the garage so you know what size shelves, cabinets and other garage storage options you can fit in the space.


Round Up Loose Items

After eliminating junk from the garage, it’s time to sort all the remaining items into categories. You have a few options for doing this, depending on your personal preferences. You might organize items by their function, storing all gardening equipment in one place, sporting gear in another, and car supplies somewhere else.

The other option is to organize your belongings by size. You can hang long-handled items together from hooks, store smaller items in wall-mounted baskets, and place bottles and canisters on shelves. Odds are the best way to store your belongings is to sort by a combination of function and size.


Make Quality a Top Priority

Don’t waste your time installing low-quality products that won’t last. If you do, you’ll just end up renovating the whole thing again in the future. Whether you choose garage cabinets, shelves, wall organizers, hangers, overhead storage or another option, look for quality garage storage systems that are built to last. Qualities for durability, longevity and beauty include:

  • Extra-thick, thermal-fused melamine shelves that can withstand heavy loads and temperature extremes.
  • Off-the-floor mounting to protect against moisture and pests.
  • All-steel construction hardware instead of flimsy staples.
  • Top-grade hinges and hardware made from cast or stainless steel.
  • Cabinets with no central posts to accommodate bulky items.
  • Easy-to-clean, stain-resistant topcoats.
  • Custom size and color options to make the garage storage system your very own.

Boston Garage is pleased to offer some of the best garage storage options available today. We’re confident our cabinets and other storage solutions will out-perform any other system on the market! To learn more, please contact Boston Garage today.

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