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The Perfect Garage Organization for Your Household

  • February 12, 2024

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by your messy garage, but with the right mindset and new garage storage solutions, you can get a handle on the clutter! Here are three tips for creating the perfect custom garage organization system for your household. 

Think Outside the Garage

While this space is the most common place to store items you want to keep out of sight, it’s certainly not your only storage option. By thinking outside the garage, you free up space for items that really belong in this room.

For example, you might relocate old home movies and other memorabilia you simply can’t part with to the attic or basement. These are items you look at rarely, so they shouldn’t have a prime spot in the garage.

Then, consider building a tool shed as your workshop if you love carpentry and building projects. Store your gardening equipment here as well to make more space in the garage for other things.


Stop Thinking “Just in Case”

De-cluttering becomes impossible if you hold onto things with the notion that you might possibly end up maybe needing some of that stuff. The fact is, if you haven’t used something in over a year, you will probably never use it again. It’s time to let go.

Throw away broken items you’ve been holding onto “just in case” you might fix them some day. Host a garage sale for items that are still in good condition and donate unsold belongings to your friends or a secondhand shop. These de-cluttering methods give you peace of mind knowing someone who actually needs them is putting the items to good use again.


Utilize Height

Following your storage relocation and de-cluttering efforts, closely examine what’s left in your garage. To keep these belongings organized, don’t just pile them against the wall; instead, utilize the vertical space with custom garage organization solutions:

  • Shelves: Perfect for storing large bulky items or bins, shelves are the most versatile type of garage storage.
  • Garage cabinets: If you’re looking for a clean, professional appearance, garage cabinets could be right for you. Storing items behind closed doors doesn’t just make your garage look nicer; it also helps keep your belongings in good condition.
  • Hooks and slatwall: Want to get bikes, golf bags and long-handled gardening supplies off the floor? Hooks mounted to slatwall could be the answer. Heavy-duty hooks can support ladders and bikes while wall-mounted baskets can hold smaller like-items together.
  • Garage overhead storage: With the addition of this organization solution, you can store lesser-used items above your head to utility every inch of available storage space.

With these garage storage solutions, you can store items effectively so they’re easy to find when you need them. To learn more about maximizing garage organization, request a free design consultation from Boston Garage.

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