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4 Essential Steps to a More Organized Garage This Winter

  • December 16, 2015

Are you tired of wading through a disorganized garage every time you need to retrieve something from out there? How about scrambling for flashlights when a winter storm causes a blackout, or not being able to find the road salt to deice the driveway? If these scenarios sound all too familiar, it’s time to organize your garage once and for all! Follow these four steps to achieve a perfectly organized garage for winter and all year long.

Hang Skis and Snowboards

If you’re tired of finding your expensive skis and snowboards toppled over in the corner of the garage, install sturdy storage solutions to get them off the floor. One option is to install custom garage shelving. Then you can keep your skis, snowboards, boots, masks, gloves and other winter sport accessories in the same place.

You can also install slatboard to store your snowboards and skis off the floor. Special hooks mounted to the slatboard offer sturdy, visually pleasing storage for all your winter gear.

Use the Ceiling for Extra Storage

Do you find yourself shaking your head at the thought of adding custom garage shelving and racks because you think you don’t have room? There’s more available storage space in the garage than you realize; you just need to look up.

Overhead garage storage is the solution to an overcrowded garage. Chances are good you have several bins of belongings you don’t use very often, such as camping gear, holiday decorations, spare tires and seasonal equipment, just to name a few. These are prime examples of items you can store on overhead shelves. That way, you leave room closer to the ground for items you use more often.


Keep Road Salt Handy

This time of year, it’s great to have road salt at the ready to sprinkle on the driveway, especially if your home faces north and your driveway spends all day in the shade. A sliding wire basket or tilt-out hamper grants easy access to road salt while keeping it protected and stored off the floor all winter long.


Install Special Lighting

If you’ve ever experienced a blackout at home, you know how difficult it can be to navigate the garage in the dark. Prevent this from ever becoming a problem by installing motion-sensor-activated, battery-powered LED lights. Mount these inside garage storage closets, under cabinets and even inside drawers to light the way when the power goes out.

Do these ideas for organizing your garage inspire you? If so, Boston Garage is the place to go for custom garage shelving and garage storage closets. We are proud to help customers across western Pennsylvania transform their garages for winter and all year round. To get more inspiration, schedule a free consultation with one of our design experts.

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