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Ready to Organize Your Garage? Start Here

  • May 18, 2016

If you’re getting ready to organize your garage, it can seem a bit overwhelming when you’re trying to figure out where to start. Though it can seem like an overwhelming task, you can manage it with a little preparation. These garage storage ideas will help you get off to a good start, and will help you create a custom garage organization plan that will work well for your situation.

Why should I organize my garage?

Your garage often contains some of your most expensive investments: your car, sports equipment, tools and the security of the structure itself. By organizing your garage, you’ll be protecting those investments while making it easier to enjoy them in the long run. Having an organized garage means you know where everything is and you’ll spend less time tracking things down and more time doing what you need and want to do with your free time.

What needs to go?

A lot of people store items in the garage that are taking up valuable space and should be stored elsewhere. If your garage isn’t climate controlled, for example, you’d want to move paints, sealant and other temperature-sensitive materials to an area where they’ll be protected from extreme temperatures. Because garages are often not sealed as tightly as the rest of your home, pet food that can attract pests should be stored in a different location.

Planning Your Garage Organization

When it comes to organizing your garage, you need to take a good look at what you need your garage to do. You have different needs, interests and hobbies than other people, so there really isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to your organization. For this reason, you may want to look at customizable solutions that allow you to create a plan to meet your needs. Take a good look at what your garage needs to store and the activities that will take place within.

Putting Your Plan Into Action

Now that you’ve moved out the items that don’t belong and prioritized the items which will need to remain, you can begin selecting the storage options that work best for your situation. You may find it easier to work with a garage and home organization firm that can develop storage options that you may not have considered. As you’re creating your storage, you may want to look at other garage upgrades at the same time, such as floor tiles or garage floor coatings to create an attractive, durable, easy to clean surface.


Now that you know how to organize your garage, it’s time to start making your plans a reality. If you need help developing garage storage and upgrade options that will best meet your needs, please contact Boston Garage to schedule a free on-site design consultation and discover why we’re western Pennsylvania’s leading custom garage designer.

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