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Why You Need Epoxy Floor Coating In Your Garage

  • May 19, 2015

You invest a lot of time in your garage, because you use the garage for everything. There is one part of the space that needs some serious TLC, however, and that is your garage floor. Is it a mess of spills, stains and cracks? Are you afraid to show it to the neighbors? Fear no longer, for epoxy floor coating has the solution to all of your garage floor problems. With its durability, resistance to moisture and aesthetically pleasing appearance, epoxy floor coating is the perfect addition to any garage.


There is a reason why businesses often choose to have epoxy floor coating on their floors, and it works for the home, too. Epoxy floor coating is resilient, no matter how high-traffic the area. You can walk on it, play on it, work on it and even drive on it without worrying that it will start to show that wear in a few months or years. Your professional floor coating will resist chipping, abrasions or cracks caused by fluctuation in temperature throughout the year. If you have a few minor cracks or flaws in your existing garage floor, the coating will hide them. Best of all, the coating resists dust so it continues to look showroom beautiful, without a lot of wiping or dusting.


Moisture Resistance

Your garage floor has to cope with moisture from two directions: on top and underneath. An epoxy garage floor coating resists moisture accumulation from underground, which helps to protect your floor from long-term damage. It also prevents the cement from absorbing spills. Snow, ice, dirt, road salts–all of these can build up on the floor, leaving your garage a wet, sloppy mess. Epoxy floor coating is here to save the day, by making cleaning the garage floor a simple task. All you have to do is spray or wipe it off whenever you see a need. That makes this garage flooring particularly ideal for snowy or cold climates.


Aesthetic Enjoyment

Besides the immense usefulness of epoxy floor coating, you will appreciate how pleasant and professional the floor looks. You can select from a variety of colors and styles, including acrylic flakes that look much like granite. Do not feel like you have to choose just one. We have many designs that will look great in your home, while they make your garage safer. You also get several topcoat options for a shine and polish that is unbeatable.


Picture it: the perfect floor to go with the perfect garage. You can have it, if you decide to have Boston Garage install epoxy garage floor coating in your home or business. Imagine how much happier you will be with a garage floor that can stand up to serious wear, resist moisture, make your garage a safer place and improve the way the space looks. When you want a garage floor coating for all your needs, ask us for a free consultation today.

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