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Why You Should Take Better Care of Your Garage Now

  • August 26, 2015

When you think about the messiest room in your home, what comes to mind? The playroom? Your teenager’s bedroom? How about the garage? All of these rooms might top the list, but the garage in particular is one space you should take time to reorganize sooner rather than later. Here are three reasons why.custom garage organization


The Garage Stores Expensive Belongings

When you think about your most costly possessions, your mind might go to the big screen TV in the living room, kitchen appliances or prized paintings in the den. What about expensive sporting gear, lawn maintenance equipment, your custom bike – or your car? You store these expensive belongings in the garage.

Are they treated with the same care you give belongings stored in other rooms of your home, or are they left forgotten, mixed carelessly with worthless junk? By investing in garage storage solutions and giving the space a much-needed facelift, you help keep expensive items stored in the garage in the best condition possible to prolong their life.


You See the Garage Every Day

Whether it’s passing through the garage in the morning as you make your way to the car or venturing out to retrieve something you need, it’s likely you see the garage at least once or twice every day. It’s also probably the main entrance to your home, meaning guests are likely to walk through it, especially if you pick them up.

Are you proud of the way your garage looks? If it’s an embarrassment, don’t wait any longer to invest in custom garage organization. Doing so will grant greater peace of mind and stress relief every time you go out to the garage.


The Garage Could be Storing Impactful Donations

The garage tends to be a catch-all room where unused items end up. If it’s been years since you sifted through the piles of clutter, it’s likely you’re holding onto some things that other people could actually put to good use.

Gut and organize the space with garage storage solutions to find these items and hold a yard sale to get a little money for some of your junk. Whatever you don’t sell can be donated to charity. While it feels good to pay it forward, it also doesn’t hurt that donations are tax deductible.

This is a perfect time of year to invest in custom garage organization! If you need help getting started, please contact Boston Garage to schedule a free on-site design consultation. We do everything from designing custom garage storage solutions to completing professional installations at a time that’s convenient for you. We’re ready to get started when you are!

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