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Garage Cabinet Organization: Clean Up Your Clutter!

  • August 13, 2018

Your high school letterman’s jacket. Your ski equipment in the summer and your golf clubs in the winter. Generations of photo albums and childhood keepsakes. Luggage and pet carriers. What do these things have in common? They’re examples of belongings people value and want to keep, but that often end up in boxes, bins, or piles on your garage floor.

The Garage: Often A Home’s Most Neglected Room

Even in the most spacious homes belonging to the tidiest of people, the garage is often a dusty, cluttered place lacking any real semblance of organization. As long as there’s room to pull the cars in, the rest of the space is often an unorganized afterthought. Does this sound familiar? Would you love to get that space in shape?

Keep Your Valuables at Home Where They Belong

You could haul your belongings to a storage unit; by one estimate, one in 10 U.S. households use this option to control clutter… and pay anywhere from $2,000 to $4,000 per year on rent. That’s a big expense! Wouldn’t you rather invest that money in making your own home more functional?

Built-in garage cabinets allow you to keep your valuables nearby so you can quickly and easily access them when you need to. High-end garage storage also will add value to your most important asset: your home. And, believe it or not, with the right cabinet organization system you may even describe your garage as aesthetically pleasing!

Cabinet Organization for Your Garage: Surprisingly Beautiful!

Move over unsightly cardboard boxes and plastic bins and baskets, there’s a far safer, more effective, and more attractive option for clutter-challenged homeowners: Garage cabinets. Never heard of such a thing? Here are the key need-to-know points about professionally fitted and installed garage storage cabinets:

  • The panels are constructed of durable ¾-inch, commercial-grade material and fitted with inch-thick decks and shelves. In other words, they’re built to protect your belongings, withstand warping and sagging, and last for many years.
  • They are wall-mounted above the floor so they and their contents are protected in case standing water gets into your garage and are far less inviting to nesting pests.
  • They’re customized to fit your needs, your space, and your budget (the process is similar to getting custom kitchen or bathroom cabinets.)
  • The color and finish options rival those you get when choosing custom kitchen and bathroom cabinets! Colors include driftwood, platinum, and copper blaze; work-surface finishes include maple butcher block and granite-like Starry Night HPL and Saddleback HPL.

You’ve Got Organizing Options

For an even more functional space, combine garage cabinets with overhead storage (if you can’t get rid of all those boxes and bins, elevating them on a platform beneath the ceiling will keep them safe and out of sight!) to sleek, high-end garage cabinets.

Slatwall and gridwall storage is ideal for sports equipment that, bicycles, tools, hoses, and items you use often or that are too large or too bulky to fit inside cabinets.

A Garage Tune-Up is an Investment in Your Home and Your Sanity!

If you live in Pittsburgh or the surrounding areas and want to reclaim your garage and say goodbye to the frustration of clutter, contact us at Boston Garage. We actually specialize in improving the functionality and appearance of that room that so many others neglect. Contact us today to schedule a free design consultation for cabinet organization, overhead storage, slatwall, gridwall, and even new flooring for your garage. 

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