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Create a One-of-a-Kind Garage Floor with a Design Made Out of Epoxy

For some, their garage is an extension of themselves. Whether you enjoy working on your car, working on hobbies and...

Is Epoxy Flooring Scratch Resistant and Does a Top Coat Help?

Epoxy flooring is popular for a number of reasons such as its durability and value. Along with the many choices you...

Epoxy Floor Coating Pros and Cons

Are you considering an upgrade for your garage floor or another concrete surface? Before you make a decision, consider...

Does Epoxy Floor Coating Crack in Extreme Heat or Cold?

The Boston area has many below-freezing days in the winter, and temperatures in July and August can easily exceed 90...

What Type of Epoxy Flooring is Right for your Garage? 

Epoxy flooring has several qualities that make it a good option for garage floors. Adding epoxy flooring to a concrete...

4 Commercial Uses for Epoxy Flooring that Will Save Your Business

The features that make epoxy flooring a great option for garage floors can also benefit commercial floors. Regardless...

How Strong is Epoxy Flooring?

The average American garage bursts to the brim with possessions. Dad's tools, boxes of old clothes, a bicycle or two —...

3 Ways to Add Value to Your Garage

Your garage isn’t just a place to dump all your unwanted stuff. Think of it as an extension of your home, the ultimate...

3 Steps to Take Before You Use Garage Floor Paint on Wood Surfaces

Conventional wisdom says that you shouldn’t use garage floor paint on wood surfaces. Unfortunately, epoxy has a...

Work with the largest provider of garage storage solutions in Boston

We are proud to offer free in-home consultations to help you get started on your next great project. Schedule now to get on our calendar!