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Garage Organization Tips for Spring

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  • April 14, 2017

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Cleaning for spring can help reenergize you and find a purpose for your attached space. This spring, as you get rid of the clutter and put your belongings in order, think about how you want to use your garage in the coming spring and summer. If you’re going to make it into a mini auto shop, you can purchase necessary supplies and buy cabinets for tools and parts. A storage area may require you to label existing boxes and consolidate similar items. A pantry will necessitate building shelves and laying down carpeting to capture spills. You may want to put down particular garage flooring for certain areas, like spots where you repair your bicycle or car. Garage organization will help you create a space that serves your needs so your life becomes easier.

Create Four Piles: Store, Sell, Donate, and Toss

The first step before garage organization is decluttering. Create four piles of what is currently in the garage or what you want to put in the garage. You will store, sell, donate or toss these items. Have some supplies on hand for this step: trash bags, clean cardboard boxes, packing tape and newspapers. You may need help driving certain items to the dump. Become familiar with trash regulations so you abide by the rules. Many charities can do a pickup of large items for you. Nonprofit organizations that engage in home repair and construction will take unwanted garden and repair tools.

Note that you may want to hold a garage sale or move some items back into your house. This will create more space in your garage. You can use the garage as a staging area for an activity like a garage sale or home repair project. Just be careful not to wait too long. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get the garage organized the way you want it in time for summer.

Store Winter Gear for Garage Organization

Winter gear can be defined as all of the items you need for your car, home, clothes and sports. Make sure items are stored in a clean state in appropriate conditions. For example, wash and dry boots. Then pack them in a bag and put them in a temperature-controlled place to guard them from direct sunlight and spiders. Before storing, wax skis and strap them together. Pack away necessary winter items for the car in a box where you can easily find them in the fall. Double bag particular materials like road salt and kitty litter so if the first bag tears, you won’t have a problem. Leave a note for yourself to check the batteries in items like battery-operated radios and the expiration date of snack bars in your emergency supplies pack.

Add Cabinets and Organizers

343.jpgCabinets and garage organizer accessories are key to improving garage organization for spring. Start by determining what you want to store in the garage. Then look at the conditions in your garage to make sure you have the necessary containers.

Garage cabinets allow you to create a workspace or storage closet that is easy to access and is not about to fall apart. Since the garage opens to the outside, it’s best to think about installing cabinets with relatively thick panels that can stand up to the elements. Garage cabinets should also be easy to clean and durable.

Wall accessories include racks, shelves, hangers, organizers and more. With wall accessories, you can store bikes, tools, sporting equipment, gardening supplies, cleaning materials and clothes you use throughout the year. For example, if your house is in a low-lying area, your garage may also serve as your mudroom. You may want to put a sink and small rack by the door for people to clean up before entering the house.

Create Space for Spring Hobbies

Clearing away what you don’t need will help you realize what you want to accomplish this spring. Create space in your garage for spring hobbies by determining what you want to do and where you will need to put supplies. For example, you can optimize your organization and create an area for gardening gear by installing custom garage cabinets.

If you’re an avid gardener, your garage organization will involve installing a hanger for long tools like rakes and fruit pickers. You may want to put this space away from cabinets to hold smaller tools, like shears and clippers. You can use drawers to hold seeds and bulbs, but you will want cabinets to store pots and potting material like rocks. Plan the layout of your workstation ahead of time so you store potential irritants like wood chips, opened bags of fertilizer or soil away from an area where you may sit or stand.

Also, figure out where you want to put large mechanical gardening equipment like a riding mower. Large machinery should be in an area away from cabinets and shelves. That will allow you to easily get tools. Space around machines also allows you to make minor repairs as needed. And it’s always a good idea to keep a machine with a potential oil or gas leak away from dirt used to pot plants.

Boston Garage is a team of professionals who are experienced in creating neat, clean, organized garages. We help create garages that serve a wide variety of needs, from emergency medical help to auto repair to residential homes with children and animals. Contact us today to help you get your garage organization ready for spring! Get a free guide and find out the best ways to organize your garage.

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