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Epoxy Resin: What Should I Know and Is It Toxic?

Epoxy flooring is a popular choice for a number of reasons – it’s affordable, durable, and the design choices are as...

The Perfect Garage Organization for Your Household

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by your messy garage, but with the right mindset and new garage storage solutions, you...

Top 5 Ways to Best Clean Epoxy Flooring

If you already have epoxy flooring or are thinking about it, then you know how easy it is to maintain. Just in case you...

What Are Metallic Epoxy Floors?

The appearance of your garage floor for your home or business can make a big statement about your interior before you...

Winter Garage Organization Solutions

The Pittsburgh winter is swiftly approaching. Is your garage ready for all that snow and slush? If the space is...

Your 5-Step Plan for Effective Garage Storage

Is your garage a hopeless mess? Admittedly, it may be a mess, but no matter how cluttered it becomes, your garage is...

Your Guide to Garage Flooring Solutions

Do you spend time in your garage working on the car or pursuing other hobbies? It won’t take long for you to get tired...

Before and After: Epoxy Garage Floor in Boston Harbor

In the challenging winter conditions of New England, particularly in towns on Boston Harbor like Hull, MA, the...

Before and After: Epoxy Floor on Nantucket

Installing a garage floor in Nantucket takes planning, logistics, and use of the highest quality materials to ensure...

Work with the largest provider of garage storage solutions in Boston

We are proud to offer free in-home consultations to help you get started on your next great project. Schedule now to get on our calendar!